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Use case3

Elax Energie - conception complète d'un boitier intelligent - industrialisation - Kickmaker

Elax énergie: smart device for water heater

By Design, Design, Industrialization, Use case

Low-level software support

Elax creates innovative systems designed to optimize water heater performance and energy efficiency.

To enhance the reliability and efficiency of their products, Elax turned to us for support.

Elax energie - kickmaker - complete design of a smart device

Project abstract

Technical developments

  • The product is composed of two plastic shells, a button, and a switch.
    Strict customer requirements for size and shape made it challenging to integrate the PCBA and the power cable
  • The selected plastics and thicknesses comply with standards to withstand a 700°C hot ball test
  • The product meets IP51 standards for water resistance without seals, relying on smart design features like rebated lips and water infiltration guidance
  • The assembly process is extremely simple and takes less than one minute
Elax energie - kickmaker - complete design of a smart device

Key achievements

Quality Work

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Certification and sourcing of an electric snowbike

Certification and sourcing for an electric snowbike

By Certification, Sourcing, Use case

MoonBikes: Certifications and Sourcing for the Electric Snowbike

Moonbikes has developed the first electric snowmobile designed to facilitate travel in Alpine environments. For Moonbikes, we provided expertise in sourcing and regulatory analysis to facilitate product export.

Certification and sourcing of an electric snowbike

Project abstract

Technical developments

  • Provided expertise in sourcing and regulatory analysis to facilitate entry into the North American market

  • Identified products and partners that aligned with the product’s technical and regulatory standards

  • Implemented a comprehensive certification process for both North America and Europe

  • Sourced battery and controller suppliers that complied with industry standards

Certification and sourcing of an electric snowbike

Key achievements

VP Engineering & Industrial MoonBikes
Quality Work

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Japet medical exosqueltte

Industrial support for V2 exoskeleton

By Industrialization, Use case

Industrial support for V2 exoskeleton

Japet Medical is a French manufacturer and integrator of exoskeletons. They are developing the only robotized exoskeleton to protect employees’ backs. Japet asked Kickmaker to provide industrial support for V2 of its product.

Japet Medical Kickmaker
Japet medical industrialisation V2 produit Kickmaker

“We wanted to reduce the number of operating failures on the V1 product”.

Le projet et ses enjeux : support industriel pour une V2 fonctionnelle

Japet Medical’s objective was to improve the robustness of the new version of their exoskeleton and certify it before May 26, 2021 (regulatory change).

Japet Medical was therefore looking for an external engineering partner to support them on their industrial V2. The requirements were based on support and consultancy in mechanics, electronics and embedded software.

For Japet Medical, Kickmaker provided the following services:

  • DFM* and DFS for mechanical parts
  • The complete industrial process for mechanical parts

Design for Manufacturing (DFM) is the engineering practice of designing products so that they are simple to manufacture. DFM facilitates the manufacturing process in order to reduce product manufacturing costs.

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